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Albums & Prints

Leather Album Options

8×8 - 550
10×10 - 700
12×12 - 1000

Leather albums include 20 pages and 20-30 images. Additional pages can be added for $15.

Photobook Options (Canvas Cover)

8×8 - 300
10×10 - 400
12×12 - 550

Albums include 20 pages and 20-30 images. Additional pages can be added for $7.

Album ordering directions
1. Access your web gallery
2. Select “select photos” at top of gallery
3. Click photos desired for album by clicking on images
4. Once images are selected, click “add to favorites” on top right of page
5. Access favorites on upper left side of page then select “send to” at top of page and send to photographer
6. You will receive email within 48 hours notifying you that favorites have been received along with Paypal invoice
to pay for album if not included in package.